Merry Christmas


The nation’s in a quandary,
Because Christmas is nearly here,
For many, it will be sad and lonely,
No groups of Christmas cheer.
Parents will miss their families,
Their friends and neighbours too,
Because self-isolation’s beating us,
And it’s defeating me and you.

The Christmas Parties are cancelled,
The restaurants are all but empty,
Pubs and bars are devoid of punters,
However, live turkeys, there are plenty.
There’s nothing on the TV
No new inspiring treats,
Just quiz and non-talent shows,
Plus hundreds of repeats.

Yet, there is a light at the end,
Of the tunnel we can’t yet see,
We can revert back to popular board games,
Snakes and Ladders, Ludo, and Monopoly.
Within our bubbles or via Zoom or Teams,
Conversation between you and me,
No stressful arguments or shouting,
Just meaningful discussion as a family.

So let’s grab the baubles and tinsel,
And let’s all decorate our tree,
To celebrate this special time of year.
Which means so much to you and me.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas,
And a happy and healthy New Year,
I hope it’s prosperous for you all,
I shall celebrate with a Jack Daniels and a beer.


We were given five days over Christmas,
To celebrate this time of year,
To meet up with family, friends, and neighbours,
Sip sherry, champagne, or drink beer.
We shopped for turkey, potatoes, and sprouts
And have leftovers on Boxing Day,
On the twenty-fifth, we can all visit,
Now, one day only, we’re allowed to stay.

It’s because this new strain of the virus,
Spreads from John O’Groats to Land’s End,
It infects people faster than ever,
‘Stay Put’ the experts recommend.
We can only have nearest and dearest,
From our bubble, to meet on the Day,
To have lunch, pull crackers, tell jokes,
Join in with the games we all play.

For the rest of the Christmas Break,
We must stay put within our own home,
I feel for those elderly neighbours,
Who must spend this time all on their own.
So, let’s set them up with a channel,
Like WhatsApp. You can all name a few,
Invite them to play virtual games with us all,
Like ‘Charades’, and ‘Give Us A Clue’.

Let’s make theirs a Merry Christmas too.


I shall always remember chasing bubbles,
Translucent, light and round,
Them floating high up in the sky,
Bursting when they hit the ground.
My summer childhood memories,
Are full of happiness, excitement, and joy,
Of mother blowing lots of round bubbles,
Me chasing them as a boy.

Who’d ever think that this pandemic,
Would change its meaning; so profound.
Bubbles that I remember were once fun,
Now means that my mates can’t come round.
We must choose our bubbles carefully,
Otherwise, we’re likely to offend,
Members of our family and loved ones,
Exempt are grandparents, our special friend.

This Christmas will be like no other,
No office parties, nor family meeting here,
No hugs, cuddles, nor handshakes,
Twenty-twenty, we'll all remember this year.
We should all thank those key workers,
Not least the NHS employees,
For their total devotion to duty,
Who’ve kept Great Britain off its knees.

At last, the vaccines have arrived,
To immunise us all, eventually,
And stop infections and the deaths,
In this world, rid Covid, totally.
So, children see people smile and laugh,
Rather than faces half covered in masks,
And revert to the age-old definition,
Of bubbles when a young child asks.


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and may 2021 bring wealth, health and happiness.

Keep Safe and Stay Well.

John E Lawrence

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